Tuesday 6 August 2013

Samye stuff

          I feel as if  I've almost completely recovered from the debacle that occurred as soon as I saw some people. My weekend became a disaster scene as soon as I agreed to go for 'a pint' with Poisonous. Of course, it's nobody's fault but my own.

          If you want to drink, you can buy an 11% bottle of collapso from the coop. Drink that slowly while you're watching the telly and you can go to bed remembering everything that happened, and feel fine the next day. I quite like doing that sometimes. Odd as it may seem, what I really need to do is stop drinking with other people!!

           I put my name on a list of folk to see the abbot. This might not happen this time since there are a lot of folk down here.

          I'll say something about Born In Tibet in the next post. I've almost finished it.


  1. I say!

    You are obviously, deep down, of clean character, and are being led astray by others.

    Here is Kalimbuka, it is impossible to be alone. Being alone is a very un-African thing. Otherwise I would have invited you out here.

    MM III

  2. Where's the post about Born In Tibet? If it's as good as Kundun, I'm on the edge of my seat here. Adrian Flatman.

  3. Mingin'! Deep down I'm a buddha like everyone else. My problem is that I'm too agreeable. Also, unable to refuse anything, especially temptation.

  4. Adrian Flatman! I shouldn't reply to anonymous comments, but I assume you're Albert. Don't send anonymous comments here, Albert, or I'll have to do something to the comment thing.

  5. Mingin'! I have never visited the Bongo Bongo. This is because I'm scared of big black men. But I would like to look for a wife among the big black women. Do all the men where you are look like Joe Louis or not? Also, how much would a young wife (with teeth)cost?

  6. I say!

    Wives are very plentiful hereabouts, but a good wife is as rare here as anywhere else.

    MM III
