Thursday 22 August 2013

Bench photies

           I took the photies from where I was meditating yesterday on the bench in the allotment. I had no festivalling to do yesterday and didn't see anyone for the first time since last Thursday, I think. The meditations were wonderful yesterday, and unbelievable. I tried to tell someone about what was happening to me on Monday, but flatheids just don't get the bliss. What a shame!


  1. Hey Mac. Saw this in FB, The Mind Unleashed, thought of u.

    People who cannot even sleep w/o radio, stereo, tv; more than that, ppl who FEAR the self-perception of others.

    Be well. Vani

    "Silence is a mirror. So faithful, and yet so unexpected, is the reflection it can throw back at men that they will go to almost any length to avoid seeing themselves in it, and if ever its duplicating surface is temporarily wiped clean of modern life's ubiquitous hubbub, they will hasten to fog it over with such desperate personal noise devices as polite conversation, humming, whistling, imaginary dialogue, schizophrenic babble, or, should it come to that, the clandestine canonry of their own farting. Only in sleep is silence tolerated, and even there, most dreams have soundtracks. Since meditation is a deliberate descent into deep internal hush, a mute stare into the ultimate looking glass, it is regarded with suspicion by the nattering masses; with hostility by business interests (people sitting in silent serenity are seldom consuming goods); and with spite by a clergy whose windy authority it is seen to undermine and whose bombastic livelihood it is perceived to threaten."

    — Tom Robbins (Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates)

  2. Vani! If I was any good at this juju, I'd been even more horrible to flatheids, but since I'm a flatheid myself ... I've given up on the too dumb to meditate. I'll just have to get my head round to sitting and sitting and sitting. Right now it doesn't sound so easy (ie. when you're not doing the bliss!!), but there's no point in hustling the flatheids when you're still a flatheid yourself!!

  3. Mac. I'm realizing that u touch here on a theme that I contemplate lately: us vs them; the sheepness of the masses vs the inherent Godness / perception of every being, even humans. God bless r pointy little heads.

    Seems like I'm seeing a steady incidence of comments @ FB posts, /comments @/ blog posts, /comments @/ articles ... derogating r poor human "masses." Lumping all r human individuals together indiscriminately who have not chosen 2 pursue seeking. As if there were no hope 4 any such assigned individual 2 wake up a bit & 2 begin 2 perceive. & thus 2 change 1's life. & r world.

    & yeah a lot of folk w/ rather have the telly. (Designed 4 hypnosis.) Who cares why we're here? Let's have a beer. Let's revel in r externally imposed (yet unreal) powerlessness.

    & yet. Divine Presence / Buddha Mind dwells in every 1 of us. As us. Somehow it makes me uncomfortable 2 see all that derogation. ... IT IS NOT REAL. That disparagement is not what is real about us as humans. Nor as energy beings.

    I guess what it is, is that I can't give up on ppl's potential. They may choose not 2 use that potential & that is free will in action. (Gah.)

    But we r still here. & r potential is still here r along w/ all of us. I guess I am thinking of all humans, even sociopaths like my neighbors!, as US.

    (Altho really THEY r THEM. ! Earlier was seeing that sociopaths choose before birth 2 have that brain / gene? / decision defect which occludes empathy in order 2 have the embodied experience of separation, esp separation from [other] humans. & separation makes predation possible. If u think of humans as a whole different, lesser species.)

    Yes this is all 1 theme: separation vs wholeness. Separation is the lie. But how do we enact / embody the truth here?

    Mmm. Keep meditating! I envy u the chance. Be well. Vani
