Friday 9 August 2013

Back Home Again!

          Just got back home from the Samye Ling. I always feel completely knackered when I get home from there no matter how I feel when I go out the gate.

          I spoke to the lama today for a wee while. Afterwards I had a truly wonderful meditation in the back temple as the gong bashing went on through the wall. Then I got up and did the best Tai Chi set ever. I think you really get something extra from Tai Chi and hatha yoga if you do them between meditations. I'm sure these things fit together.

           I went down to the river to meditate for the first time a couple of days ago. I meditate at the part where the kiddo threw some of the Domestic Bliss's ashes. Someone had written Thinking of You exactly on the spot. You couldn't make it up. What kind of wild coincidence is that??? Later on, I noticed that someone had joined me on the river bank and this reminded me of a Rab C Nesbitt episode when he goes on holiday to Spango and is raving and ranting on a rooftop when he sees the Spanish version of himself on another rooftop doing the self same thing!

          The lama looked a wee bit disappointed when I told him I couldn't do a three year retreat. I won't try to speak to him again till I can see Dorje Sempa on top of my head clearly. This may take some time.

          I was going to ask if the buddhists had any objection to someone starving themselves to death once they were handed the black spot, but I didn't bother. Let's jump these hurdles when you get to them.


  1. It's great when the tai chi goes especially well.

    Good stones.

  2. Albert? I can't do it. I know that. I'm sure I saw a youtube of Ho Chi Mihn throwing folk over his head. Like, when he's about even older than me.
