Wednesday 14 August 2013

More allotment stuff

         The last photie is of the onion crop this year. I harvested them this afternoon. The transformation of the bottom half of the allotment is a bit eye-popping. A bench has appeared. So I can sit in the hut, or sit on the bench, or sit on the grassy bits. It's warmer in the hut and you can't open the window, but it'll be warm enough in the winter. I'm looking forward to sitting in it when the cold comes.


  1. It is looking more like Versailles every day.

  2. Among the ageing evil bourgeois, I was the Eddie Grundy of the allotmenteers, but not now! Soon there will be no weeds! Weeds will be verboten! By the left, def dight, def dight! I'll have to start a tunnel under the hut. The wire is only thirty yards away.

  3. Mac, I know nothing of allotments. All this time I've been assuming that an allotment was a free thing from getting on a local list or something.

    We had something like that in Palo Alto, CA (Silicon Valley) lo these many yrs ago. ... & now I live in my (dead) grandparents' mobile home on an RV park lot not much bigger! ... but paid 4. With my g'folks' 2 fruit & 1 spruce trees. I only grow those flowers & herbs which survive me. Food is 2 ambitious 4 my health.

    Just recently read that 1 pays 4 allotments in UK. Say it ain't so!

    Be well. Vani

  4. Vani, there is a list you have to get onto in Edinburgh to get an allotment. I think the waiting time is about seven years!! You have to pay, but it's not a lot, something like £13 or £30 maybe.

  5. The crop seems t be growing too fast for the camera to focus.

  6. I just can't take decent photies!!
