Wednesday 28 August 2013

After the Froggie!

          The only problem is with me being crabbit and so I should stop that. Torn between. Thinking I should always be as clean as a whistle and almost every time I see some of my chummies ... well, this is not renunciation as we know it should be. But I have always been like that. Perhaps this is my tao. Just relax into doing some things some times and stopping them some other times.

          I'm not nice to my deep dear friends. I call them flatheids though I am surely a complete flatheid myself. But if you're a flatheid and you don't recognise that you're a flatheid, what chance have you got?

          Anyway, I repeated the mumbo jumbo to myself for a long time. Sussquehanna. That's all you have to do. Twenty plus odd years later, you're are back on the cushion  after the Froggie has left. It's later than usual. Half eleven! Straight into amazing bliss! Here we come upon the paucity of description. When so many times before you have thought you have not felt anything as wonderful as this before, once again you think ...that. But was there a qualitative difference? It did feel as if there was and I hope this isn't wishful thinking.

          This is interesting, but it may not be a good thing. I do not know. If you were going to start unleashing forces you couldn't control, this might be a way towards doing that. But, what the hell? Sitting in the lobby is sometimes very interesting.

          I think I would like to go to the mental hospital now. Three meals a day and a padded cell. What company that would be!


  1. Interesting. Mental wards - some might be more flathead-free than others. But the most roundheided would also be the noisiest. It all balances up.
