Tuesday 12 November 2013

Samye Photies

          I didn't realise I'd taken this many photies!!


  1. I say!

    In the fourth last snap - tasty snacks for the braai!

    MM III

  2. Mingin'! The chaffinch would be too wee. I found it lying on the pavement, gasping, chest heaving. I sat it up on the wall thinking it was going to die. When I came back a couple of hours later, it had flown away. But peacocks probably taste like turkeys. If you're ever there, just take our your shotgun and blast them. I'm sure nobody would mind.

  3. Best thing about the photies - nae folk.

  4. Albert|? There's some birds!! Since I can't look through the viewfinder, I've realised the camera will be defunct once the photies have all filled up the whatsits.

  5. Why can't you delete them when the camera is connected to the computer?
