Friday 8 November 2013

Fire Under The Sun

          I finished Fire Under The Sun last night. It's a very harrowing account of the thirty plus years spent by a Tibetan monk called Palden Gyatso in Chinese jails being "re-educated". Horrific really. Re-education in Chinese jails is something I read an account of earlier in the year. That time it was a British radio operator caught when the Chinese first invaded Tibet. But what happened to him was a picnic compared to what was dished out to the Tibetan monk.

          The west is currently trying to crawl up the arse of the Chinese as fast as possible these days of course, but the Chinese empire will collapse at some point as surely as the Russian one did in 1989. Remember how it seemed that the Soviet Union would go on forever? Well, it didn't.

           To bring a bit of cod Marxism in here, the dictatorship of the party is not the same as the dictatorship of the proletariat. The latter is supposed to eventually lead to the dissolution of the state, but the dictatorship of the party just sets up another thesis. Then we have a antithesis before we have synthesis again.

           I learnt that at school from a brilliant history teacher called Paddy Welsh, who was visiting Dublin in 1916 at Easter. What I thought of the history education I got at university is detailed in Alma Mater.

            Anyway, the communist party in China is in the same boat as the one in the Soviet Union. The Chinese empire will collapse due to its internal contradictions. First of all, it's not communist, run by a so called communist party, and is riddled with corruption. It will got the same way as the Kuomintang. All compounded things are subject to dissolution.

           The British empire, of course, collapsed from the end of the Second World War. Since then it has been increasingly pointless for Scotland to be part of a United Kingdom. The British state is only any good for the folk in London, the Home Counties and the aspirational, forelock tugging evil bourgeois. It's a shame when it splits it won't do so along the line of what used to be known as the Black Country, but the British state is funged and I expect it to break up sometime in my lifetime.

           Of course, independence is an illusion. Nothing exists independently. As someone with socialist leanings - now we are called social democrats, I think - I know that socialism cannot exist in one country (cf  the Soviet Union, China and Trotsky), but with globalisation I think there is a chance of improvement on a world wide scale eventually. Until then, I hope that Scotland can be like a light on the hill to at least the rest of the United Kingdom. No bedroom tax; no tuition fees; no Tory governments; and no free market economics as we have now.

          Marx did not expect socialism to come from peasant economies, by the way. You can't blame him for the Soviet Union or the basturns who are running China right now.


  1. While I agree it's run by basturns, they're riding the runaway horse of capitalism and losing their grip on the reins. Who knows where they'll end up. Hang on to your hat! Embourgeoisement to the rescue?

  2. Albert? It would be interesting if they swung back to the left. I guess they could really fung up capitalism then since they seem to own everyone's debt, or something like that which I don't quite understand. Anyway, we shouldn't kowtow. It only encourages them!

  3. In the space of less than our lifetime, they've gone from mass starvation to modernity, with loads of fancy cities that you haven't even heard of with populations larger that Scotland. My guess is that most wont want to upset their apple cart, especially as they know from their history that government changes cause massive problems.

  4. Where's Mingin'??? This other guy is obviously complete bereft of any political insight whatsoever!! I'm going to delete him the next time he comes here!

  5. The Great Leap Forward, in the late 1950s/60s, thought up by Mau, implemented by the Party, and taken on board by the general population, was probably the worst man-made disaster of all time. After Mau, many of the new leaders were ones who had previously been purged. It has taken 30 years to get going again after those disasterous times. Now, wherever you go in China, you see new hospitals, new schools, new universities, new train stations, new roads, new houses, etc - i.e. a new infrastructure. Every monastery we saw, except one, was being renovated.

  6. I say!

    Censorship! Isn't that what the Chinese supposedly do? A tad hypocritical, in the circumstances, what?

    MM III

  7. That must be wonderful then! If I was a member of the Dalai Lama's sect and had a brand new monastery that tourists could come and gawp at, I'd be delighted. Even if they did stop me praying for the long life of the Dalai Lama and had stolen away the Panchen Lama as a kid (the youngest political prisoner in the world) and were still sticking electric prods down the throat of my monastic uncle in jail, well what have I got to complain about? New roads to bring flatheids up to stare at us when they weren't staring at the pandas ... I mean, even with half my family killed in public struggle sessions during the Cultural Revolution .. well, I'd just forget about that and vote ... sorry, I can't vote, can I? Well, I'd just go outside and warm my hands on the poor basturns who were still setting themselves on fire and thank God for the Communist Party that had brought so much progress.

  8. The Cultural Revolotion took place from 1966-1976. Fortunately, much has changed since then. And yes, there is an extensive hierarchical electoral system

  9. Hey Mac. "Marx did not expect socialism to come from peasant economies, by the way."
    ? Do u mean by this, that socialism is based on the assumption of a stable (it never is) (crony, @ present) capitalist economy or some sort of stable economy?
    Because I have been wondering about that.
    IF SO, socialism is a fantasy based on another fantasy that never works out in real life.

    1st, we have 2 make the stable economy. Not crony capitalism, not communism. Socialism seems not 2 be an economy of its ownsome, just an overlay on some other sort of economy. Which is assumed 2 work consistently. Ah ha ha ha.

    Not saying we all s/ not have some kind of socialist "care 4 all ppl" structure. All r spiritual teachers tell us so.
    Just, if the assumption is 2 base socialist payouts on (crony, @ present) capitalist earnings, see mortgage crash (08), corporate embezzlement (every year), bank crashes (every year), bank theft scandals (every year) ... insurance industry crash coming soon ... USA student loan crash, perhaps ...

    I never read Marx & I don't think I missed much. His best ideas he stole from Christianity (which was not implementing them either).
    The assumption that social / economic change only happens w/in certain parameters ... very Victorian.

    & yet we do live now in a time of great change. The Chinese "interesting times"!
    Be well. Vani
