Tuesday 26 November 2013

Making connections!

          Just noticed on the statcounter thing that just over 50,000 folk (or spam robots!) have hit my blogs now. I seem to have been blogging since June 2007. Most of the folk hitting my blogs through their numerous name changes have been wasting their time, of course, but the posts on vase breathing get as much hits as anything else. I like that! This is the bliss! This is the bliss! This is the bliss!

           I sent a letter today to the head of the drama department of Radio Scotland. I've got mixed feelings about making any connections about writing since I really want to concentrate on the meditations, but I think now I can write and meditate. I'll probably get nowhere with the drama stuff, but I'll finish the script anyway and then go onto writing prose again. Prose is harder!!


  1. As of today some blogger uses third party software to filter the incoming robot spam.

  2. Chung! The tao which can be expressed is not the real tao! You're wasting your time around here. Are you a third party of what?

  3. I say!

    I'm always up for a good party! I expect that by now Jockland is frozen solid, and Hotboy spends his afternoons skating around Loch Duddingston, or is it Duddingston Loch, with his pipe behind his back.

    MM III

  4. Now that the Government had decreed that after the referendum there will be no sneering, and no watching creekit, I still have to stand up for the heterosexuals, and say that no one has got a pipe up their bum in the new Scottishland!

  5. I say!

    Abdul has said that he'll vote 'Yes' for Kwacha 600 - let alone £600 - just send him a postal vote. He said he also wants higher wages, less tax, a shorter working day, free beer on Test Match days, and for the weeds not to grow so fast. I told him that he'd about as much chance of that happening as there is for a majority 'Yes' vote.

    MM III

  6. Mingin'! Tell Abdul to stick with it. It's the inevitability of gradualness. Just one more Tory government run by the posh boys and even the fearties will vote yes. We can't have Tory/Lib Dem government ruling over us when no one up here votes for them anymore. What kind of democracy is that. By the way, the white paper says on page 9765 that creekit broadcasts will be blocked in the New Jockoland!!!
