Tuesday 4 June 2013

Samye bound!

          What a beautiful day to go and do a wee bit of travelling! Nothing beats Scotland in the sunshine! So I leave the allotment all done now. It's in better shape at this time of the year than it's ever been. If I was a viking, around about now I'd jump in my long boat and go off for some mayhem and pillaging. Well, I'm hoping to see my guru over the next couple of days. I'm not looking forward to speaking to anyone since you have to have some kind of acknowledgement of the bereavement, which is tedious and boring and, unfortunately, necessary. But the Three Jewels have been of great psychological help recently and I'll be so happy once I get into my room. Hurrah!
          When I get back, I hope to be clear of my addictions and ready to start my life again.


  1. Hope you have good meditations.

  2. So do I! Psychologically a wee bit difficult coming here, but I'm settling in fine and the rinpoche left as I was getting here so I don't have to commit myself to anything yet!
