Wednesday 19 June 2013

Huts are Us!

          I went down to the shore near Cramond this afternoon to see about a new hut for the allotment. The boy didn't seem to be able to cope with the request that the door be lockable from the inside. Maybe not many folk want their huts to lock from the inside. So he gave me a lock to affix. Hmmm? I'm not very good at affixing things. He said you'd only have to put in four screws. Somehow I think not. I'll probably use a bit of string to tie round a nail, which is what I do in the hut just now.

         It's been another beautiful day. Must go up to the allotment to scatter some eggshells!



  1. Does it come with a dish?

  2. Either a dish, or cable - for receiving information, etc.

  3. Hardly think that would progress the meditations somehow!

  4. I do like the hut on stilts. Add a moat and you're all set.
