Tuesday 13 May 2014

Stormy weather!

          I just got home in time to avoid the storm. Thunder, thundering, and all. Then I had to rush out again and get a keyboard, which I'm now writing on, to replace the one that didn't like the glass of wine I swamped it with. The new keyboard only cost £8. I couldn't believe how cheap it was.

          The first three photies were taken from where I was sitting meditating in front of hut. You can see the storm coming. I was sitting outside the hut because inside the hut was like a sauna, now that I've blocked the ventilation holes.


  1. It's the wasp revenge. Watch out for the thunderbolt onto the hut.

    Nikolai Bukharin

  2. Don't forget the bush.

    Roy Welensky

  3. Use whatever means at your disposal.


  4. Blocking the holes will keep the gas in, discouraging flathead visitors.

    8 quid was quite a bargain if it included getting a man to come and connect up the new keyboard.

