Tuesday 17 September 2013

Starting Writing

          I'm writing this on a netbook. I was going to take it to the Samye Ling. I thought it had no word processing on it, but someone must have done something to it when I wasn't looking. So if I take it down, I can edit Jock Tamson's. It's too wee to write on. Anyway, I'll continue this later on the other computery thing.
9.45 p.m.
          Yesterday I thought was going to be the end of the beginning. The beginning started twelve years ago when I read The Bliss of Inner Fire. The reason why it took me so long to get to the end of the beginning, if I've managed to get that far, is because my renunciation is, to put it mildly, a bit wishy washy. Also, I have no faith.
           Renunciation and faith seem to be bedrocks. In the Disbelieving Congregation we don't do faith. This is experiential mysticism. Knowledge through experience. Anyway, the boy said you didn't have to believe anything, just do the meditations and they would work. You have to take a pragmatic approach. Can you get this juju to work?
            Something has happened in the last fortnight that has sent me into the realms of the truly, truly fortunate. I'm starting to get a glimpse of how wonderful it will be if I just keep going. Not that I'm taking any credit for all this wonderment. I'm not going to crash and burn because of the lineage of Indian and Tibetan gurus who made the fantastic effort required to maintain these teachings.
            I'm a super-humanist. I believe in the human beings!
            "Wonders are many, and none are more wonderful than man." Sophocles.
             I meditated today in the lobby (in the morning as usual), and I meditated in the Botties and I meditated in the allotment. The first photie is what's in front of me when I sit on the new allotment bench. The third photie is where I was meditating in the Botties. What a great day I had today!