Tuesday 4 February 2014

Back home from the Holy Isle

            If you meditate for nine hours or so a day, there really isn't much time for doing much else. I did the odd Tai Chi set and stood on my head. Some days I hardly spoke to anyone at all, apart from a nodding hello. One evening in the shrine room just before the juju started, this lovely Chinese woman asked me what I got out of meditating and I said, "Fantastic bliss." What a big smile she gave me! It made the whole thing worthwhile. I don't know anyone who meditates back here. This makes me feel very isolated. much, much more than living on my own. On the Holy Isle everyone is either helping or trying. Do you know what the bliss is? Flatheids just don't get the bliss.


  1. I say!

    Did you manage to fit those large beasts on the braai?

    MM III
