Thursday 9 May 2013

In another country.

          I was speaking to a pal of mine, one of the few who are not a part of the evil bourgeois, about the bedroom tax. Since he is employed, I assumed it wouldn't affect him. But, no, he's been put on a three day week at his driving job and this lets the benefit system get its hooks into you. (as part of their support for employers who pay low wages!) So he's been told by the council that he'll have to move or lose money.

           He was put in his council house with three bedrooms because they didn't have any with two  bedrooms at the time. He has two sons by two different women. One of the boys stays with him all the time (since his mum is an alkie) and the other visits at the weekend. So through the week one of the bedrooms is empty.

            He was told the two boys could share a room. He said there would be murder committed in that case. Both are teenagers. It seems the best solution for him would be to get a council tenancy with one bedroom for the son who lives with him, and one for himself. Then the boys would not kill each other and the son who visits could have his room at the weekend and he could sleep on the couch.

              Only folk who could think that a council house could not be a home could come up with the bedroom tax. This is what can happen when we leave the welfare state in the hands of toffy nosed, bourgeois basturns. This would not happen up here if we had control of the benefit system. The boy with the two boys didn't bother too much about politics till all this shit started landing on him. Of course, he's voting YES for an independent Scotland now.


  1. No one will vote Yes anymore, because Lotto won't be available in Scotland if they do.

  2. No will win, but the pressure will be unstoppable. The inevitability of gradualism.
