Wednesday 15 May 2013

Barfly again

             I re-watched the end of Barfly, the movie written by Charles Bukowski, with much enjoyment. I even liked the bits I didn't like. It reminded me a bit of The Moon in the Gutter by David Goodis in that the author does not seem to like the rich, the evil basturns that they are.

          Mickey Rooney is brilliant as Henry Chinaski. You never know how good some film actors are because most of the time they are paid to act in crap. The scene where the ambulance men arrive looking for his dead body will stick with me for some time. The boy is standing there drunk out of his mind with blood stains soaking in all the way down his simmit and a bottle of whisky hanging from his hand. At that moment I was so struck by his likeness to my pal Brian Wilson that I've contacted him and we'll meet for a coffee this afternoon.


  1. Mickey Rooney can certainly act.

  2. Wasn't there a play with a hut and a rat?
