Tuesday 7 May 2013

A victory in the war against the machines!

          The main reason why I'm down to ten and a half stone is that I've really cut back on the bevvying since last June, but I got pissed last night. Could hardly do otherwise since I was watching Barfly, the film that Charles Bukowski writes about in Hollywood. The book is about him writing the script. I've discovered how to download just about any movie you'd care to mention. I got Barfly downloaded along with Rififi, which made a huge impression on me when I saw it as a kid, and the Battle for Algiers. I can remember seeing some of that, but I was probably drunk at the time so I can't remember it really. Much the same with Barfly. Don't remember the end. Mickey Rourke is very good though. I think I'll go and watch the end again now.
            I put in six rows of tatties today. Thus the photie. Beautiful day.


  1. I studied The Battle for Algiers as part of one of my courses in French history. Such a gritty and violent movie, but the realism makes it so interesting to watch. I loved it.

  2. Ewan! Totally impressed that you've even heard of that movie!! I'll let you know what I think of it when I watch it again.

  3. What do you pay attention to the most - the storyline, the acting, or the screenplay, or whatever?

  4. Rods! I usually watch films with my eyes closed, so I pay most attention to ra bliss!

  5. Last night I watched Having You http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2343549/ Excellent movie - 8 years after a one-night stand a woman turns up and tells a man that he has a 7 year old son.

  6. Someone once told me the complete plot of The Devils, so that I wouldn't have to actually watch it.
