Monday 19 June 2017

More photies

          So there is no problem with getting the photies here via One Drive. I've been told that once One Drive gets full, you have to pay money to get your storage enlarged or your stuff unfrozen, or whatever. Do you actually own anything you stick on the computery thing?

          But it is a nice, very nice day. I live to put almost all the photies I take on this blog, mainly so I can get at them whenever I want. As for real photies on paper, I have no idea how to obtain them. My Auntie Kathy wants a big group photie of the last wedding I was at. God knows how you get something like that from a computer. Well, I don't anyway.

          As someone with all the time in the world to waste, I cannot wait until I have this little problem to solve. What joy I will have footering around the internet finding out how to solve it! What fucking joy!


  1. I say!

    Abdul saw your photos and wants to know why you are growing flowers rather than things to eat. Or maybe he thinks that Scottish people eat flowers.

    MM III

  2. I say, isn't all property theft?
