Wednesday 15 October 2014

Bottie stuff

          I walked through the Botanic Gardens today. So fortunate to be able to take such a walk in this neighbourhood. The first three photies are of the fire I had at the allotment yesterday, partly to burn some stuff my partner asked me to dispose of. The bottom photie is of the cabbage I picked after I'd had a wonderful meditation on my bench. Facing the autumn sun and doing the bliss. Ye canny whack it!

          Tomorrow will be two weeks since I last had a drink. I now feel as if I am properly settling into being a recluse and thoroughly enjoying it. Unfortunately, I don't seem to have enough time in the day for all the stuff I'd like to do. My meditations are down from six hours a day to about four or five just now. But I'm writing again and that's chopping off the meditations in the evening.

Writing my book about going to Ecuador is what I'm going to do just now. I'm hacking out a first draft so I can have something to work with. This is the worst bit of writing a book. Nothing is ever quite satisfactory.


  1. I say!

    Thank goodness - I thought at first that your hut had burnt down.

    MM III

  2. Mingin'! I love fires, but not to my hut!
