Monday 17 March 2014

Settling in

          I couldn't resist taking the photies of the daffs today! I love it when the daffs come out! It really is Springtime! The first photie was taken on my first cycle run of the year yesterday. I'm in fantastic cycling shape after all the knee bends. I'm going cycling on Wednesday with the old toothless one who has been on a fortnight long bender in the West Indies, so he'll probably die en route. I'll take a shovel and just bury him on the spot. Tell folk I lost him. Save all the bother.

          I think I'm settling down to living the wonderful life again! I managed six hours today anyway and the meditations just keep getting better and better. I'm not drinking much and hardly see anyone, and I'm keeping as fit as I can. It's getting great!


  1. I say!

    I heard that the Auld Toothless One has given everything up, is super-fit, and is now known as the Two-Wheel Racer. You'll not be able to keep up!

    MM III

  2. Mingin'! Gnashers Aren't Us is totally clapped out! His internal organs are pickled thus depriving his muscles of vital energies. Fortunately, I had to cancel the cycle run due to my triathlon training, but he'll have his demise in the saddle some day soon.
