Monday 10 March 2014

Brilliant Monday

          I'm starting to like Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the best. I don't have to see folk during the start of the week. I can get myself organised like I did today!! Did two hour and a half sittings in the morning; sorted out some house stuff; did a wee bit of shopping; went up to the allotment for a bit of digging, and sat on the new bench with my eyes closed, and my face in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

          I'm maybe going on holiday this summer with a a friend of mine, who is, of course, like all my so called friends, either disturbed, funged up or bizarre. He was insisting recently that I don't take any cameras with me on holiday. No photies!! He is insisting on this because he isn't right in the head, neither he is!


  1. I say!

    We want to see the snaps!

    MM III

  2. Mingin'! What is the matter with you?

  3. I say!

    Who on earth goes on holiday without a camera? Now that you seem to have got the hang of your camera, we'll want to see your snaps of clouds, snaps of flowers, and whatever else they have at the holiday destination.

    MM III

  4. I say!

    Are you going to Magaluf?

    MM III

  5. Mingin'! I might go there as well!! Re: the camera ban. What folk don't realise is that I'm surrounded by mad folk. That's why folk think I'm mad ... because I'm not like them. But they're the mad ones!!!

  6. I say!

    Is it because your friend wants to be able to block out any recollection of the holiday with you once it's finished?

    MM III

  7. I say!

    He must be taking you to North Korea for the holiday. Quite wise - they arrest people with cameras there, and put them in a small room by themselves for three years, with only soup to eat.

    MM III

  8. Mingin'! Some folk should ask the North Koreans for some on the job experience of the cell and soup bit for when the Natsies get out their little list!
