Thursday 25 September 2014


          I got back from the Samye Ling this afternoon, knackered as usual. I'm always knackered when I leave there. I have no idea why. Anyway, I went up to the allotment and brought back a cabbage to make soup. There's only cabbage, onion, and tatties in the soup, apart from the lentils and condiments and all, but the veggies are all grown up the allotment. The cabbages didn't half turn out well this time!! Ar, the answer lies in the soil, so it does.
          I meditated before going up to the allotment. Much cheered by the development over the last few days!! Most encouraging.

1 comment:

  1. I say!

    What wonderful cabbages. The Ruskies like cabbage soup.

    MM III
