Sunday 7 September 2014

Quiet Photies in Revolutionary Times

What a great day this has been!! We're ahead for the first time. It's like the French Revolution. The Scots are breaking up the United Kingdom! Hurrah!! Hurrah! The British establishment are just so funged right now!! In ten years, if we get independence, do you think all the best jobs in Scotland will be held by public school boys? I don't think so. Off with their heads!! I'm definitely sending the old toothless one and Brian Wilson  to the guillotine! We're communards and Jacobins!! Hurrah! Hurrah! We never went away!!


  1. I say!

    You seem to have weeded all the thistles from your plot!

    MM III

  2. Mingin'! There are plenty of poppies! it's like Helmand Province up there!

  3. I say!

    A case of 'thistle do' then?

    MM III
