Tuesday 15 July 2014


          The last two photies are of bolted leaks. So no leaks for the soup this year. The other photies just shows what happens if you leave your allotment for three weeks during the summer. When you come back, it's covered in weeds!!! I was shocked.
          I did nothing to the onions this year. I was going to fertilise them, etc., but I forgot and they did better than they've ever done. The second early tatties are delicious. I managed to get some raspberries, but the strawberries have gone! But a large part of the stuff I planted didn't show. Usually, you get millions of turnips, but bugger all this year. Ditto with the cabbages, but I may be able to retrieve that a bit.
          Today I had the kind of day I'm supposed to have. I was up and meditating shortly after nine. I Skyped my friend in Hong Kong, went up to the allotment to dig, came home and started writing my book about Ecuador.
          It's great to start writing again. Wish I'd never tried to give it up in the first place. This time I'm going to try and write a funny book.
          The kindle books started to sell again after an eighteen month break. Sold about five books in the last six weeks. Who knows why? The rock bottom price obviously helps!!


  1. I say!

    Those weeds would make good ndiwo.

    MM III

  2. Wow, judging by your photos, Ecuador looks amazing! I am jealous. I have a dream of travelling the world. Hopefully, once I've finished my TEFL course, I'll reach somewhere like Ecuador too.

    Looking forward to reading the new book once you're done with it!

  3. Ewan! I'd definitely like to go back to Latin America again. With that TEFL qualification you should be able to get about a bit!

  4. Can you just use the leeks like spring onions?
