Sunday 27 October 2013

Back to the Diggings!

         Someone bought a copy of Alma Mater this week. This doesn't happen every week, but books like that are what makes Kindle and such like special. It took me six years to write it in all, but I never sent it out to publishers for one reason or another. But you can get it on Kindle for 77p!

         The last photie is of the last batch of potatoes to come out of the allotment this year. Kerr's Pinks, I think. I didn't plant or grow these. They arose spontaneously in the composty spot.

          The second photie is of the soup I made a few days ago. From the allotment, it contains tatties, onions, turnip, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts ... plus broth mix and beans from the shops. Having sampled some deep fried green peppers from a sushi joint last Wednesday, I've decided home made soup and breid is the way to go!!


  1. That soup is the most disgusting thing I've seen all week. Have you cleared the blue living mouldy things out of your fridge yet?

  2. The evil bourgeois have no notion of the wonders of bohemia! You can live on soup like that! Beats deep fried green peppers any day of the week.

  3. I say!

    Abdul was under the impression that people in Jockland lived off Mozambique prawns, haggis, steak and Bar Ones. He said he doubted whether the dogs would even eat that soup, especially if there was no usipa in it.

    MM III

  4. I must admit your distinctive camerawork does bring a certain quality to the soup slurry, and not really in a good way.

    I've tweeted Richard Dawkins about the spontaneous tattie birth, but it would be more convincing if you had it confirmed as an official miracle.

    I recommended Alma Mater recently to somebody. I can't remember who though. If it was them, I'll expect the cheque in the mail. You can round it down to 7p and donate the 0.7p to the charity of your choice.

  5. Albert? You should tweet Richard D about ra bliss. It seems to have no evolutionary purpose at all from his point of view. 77p is as low as you can price books on kindle.
