Monday 29 April 2013

Still in the war against the machines!

          The camera has broken down. They don't tell you that when you buy them. This digity thing never breaks down, son. Hardly any moving parts, eh? It freezes. Just like those computery beep beepy things, all of them.

            I'm still digging. There's lots of diggings at the diggings still to do. Just digging the whole allotment from top to bottom is not an intellectual activity, but only an idiot would have to do it. Only someone who didn't know anything about allotmenteering. There's a small hill emerging near the middle of the allotment, built from the weeds, clods, and miscellaneous grassy tufts, the result of the diggings. If I don't pay attention to the weeds this year, I'll end up with just the hill and a kind of moat round it.

          I was going to show you what some of the really nice allotments around me look like, but my camera has broken down.


  1. Does it need a new battery? Have you switched a tab, or something, to change the options?

  2. Rods! I did nothing. I changed the batteries. Kaput!

  3. Did you perhaps throw out the new batteries, and re-install the old batteries?

  4. It says there's a "card error", memory full, and the batteries are now fully charged!
    Crap, so it is!

  5. A person who is not baldy has come and fixed it. You had to take the "card" out and put it back in four times and then it works. Crap, crap, crap!

  6. Can you send the non-baldy person round to me to help me find my contacts on my new mobile phone (which is the same number as my previouus mobile phone)? I've spent the last 5 hours getting everything else set up on it, but can't find my phone contacts. The new phone uses Windows 8 so now I have one operating system for my laptop, another (Android) for my tablet, and a third for my phone. At least I can now take photos with my new phone and upload them onto my laptop - this is something that the previous phone wouldn't do because not one of three laptops could find the driver software - even three young people tried and failed - and it was supposed to be the most common driver of all - Samsung Galaxy Ace. So we deduced that the old phone was broken in some way. But each time you connect any device into a laptop, it tries to get you to use new software. It's a WAR against machines, so it is.
    Also, this blog of yours takes quite an effort to post Comments on.

  7. What's ra matter then? Is it my fault?
