Tuesday 23 April 2013

Half Dug!

          I've been digging this allotment for about seventeen years, but this is the first year that I'll be able to attend to it properly. Previously, I had a jobbie to go to or family matters to take care off for some of the week.

          I'm doing things differently this year. Normally, I dig and then plant the bit I've just dug. This time I'm going to dig the whole allotment before I plant anything. This won't make any difference if it rains like it did last summer when  the allotments turned into one gigantic slug restaurant.

           There's not much chance of me starting to write again until this allotment is sorted.


  1. Hi John, good to hear from you again. Hope you got a lot of benefit from your time away!

  2. Hi Ewan! I've been following your blog, but I'm having a bit of a holiday for the next couple of weeks from the computery stuff. Mac

  3. Nice to see the diggings being dug

  4. Rods! I was thinking of sub contracting the diggings to members of the middle classes who might think manual labour is romantic. Pass it on! Mac

  5. If you have a sit-on rotovator, then I'm surre the middle classes would be interested. I've planted beans this year. Took me an hour to dig the entire area.

  6. How big an area? About six feet by ten kills me!

  7. 12 square yards

  8. Achilles! Outside the gates of Troy, I would call to you! Achilles! Achilles! Oh, how hast thou tramungstuded us?
