Friday 21 July 2017

Script surgery

          All but the bottom photie were taken on Tuesday, a gloriously sunny day, most of which I spent in the allotment. Eating a strawberry is a real treat since the mice normally get to them first. But I did some digging on Tuesday and found my first tatties of the year. King Edwards. They grew from bits left in the ground last year. Delicious and they grew themselves.

           I finally submitted my play for a script surgery during the festival. This may not happen. I was very reluctant to do this, wondering if I'd really want to get involved in drama again, other than writing it. But I finished a play and I won't get anyone to read it otherwise. But the main inducement, the only one really, was that Stephen Greenhorn is one of the readers. When did I last see Stephen? Be really nice to have a cup of coffee and a wee chat. Wonder if he has any news of Barry Graham. Shame I had to send a play!!

            Yes, now I see that the bottom photie is of the new  bridge taken from the train.


I guess that's the sails with the enlargement thingy.


  1. I say!

    Wonderful snaps. When are you going to post some more?

    MM III

  2. Mingin'! I will post some more when the machines start talking to each other.
