Tuesday 26 July 2022

The summer seems to have slipped away, but ...

         There's a wee bit of me that thinks I should be somewhere else. It's always on my shoulder, whispering this in my ear. You know you should be somewhere else, JohnnyBoy. The lama looked the hut over. I know she wants me to sit in the hut. I would like to sit in the hut. There must be reasons why I don't do that. One of them is that it would take a while to settle in. Also, it is a kind of deprivation and you'd want to be sure that you were depriving yourself to some purpose. There are no signposts and no lights on this path. You just have to keep on keeping on, and who knows to what end. So you have to have an awful lot of confidence in where this meditation stuff is all going, and I don't think I have that in sufficient quantities. But the summer slips by. I did sleep over once. Dearie me.
        Uncertainty enters my life in July. The deities come lose from their positions on the mandala and move around. Sometimes they come from abroad. You have to stop and see them. You know you should be somewhere else. It's the same around Christmas and New Year. People appear. 

        I'd like to see the people when they appear if I'd been behaving myself when they weren't around. I'm always wanting to be somewhere else. Or maybe, I'd like to be someone else. A more contented joe. Happy just being here. I'd rather be there, up the allotment.

        The lowest photie is of wheat. It flew in. Someone told me it was wheat because you can take its photie and your phone will tell you what it is. Wheat. Beam me up. It's a lovely bit of grass, wheat. I'll keep the seeds and plant them in the spring, and they won't grow, but that's alright. I am the worst gardener in the world, but I like the surprises.



  1. Hotboy thats a lovely bit of grass!
    Its just grand that the investigation is ongoing and can include sheditation....the crops are plentiful the garden bountiful and the visitors
    Passing...I think summer generally induces that should be doing something ppisibly somewhere else...im managing to resist it this year cos its too scorchio to move!
    Send me some shed vibes

  2. We've had two "heatwaves" in Chilly Jockoland recently. Reminded me of the peely wally lying down on the marbled floor in the South of France because it cooled. Mind you, in Australia they have beer fridges and fridge cooled glasses. Naw, anything over 25 degrees it too fung hot! Great to hear from you, Michelle. Shades, sunscreen, hats! Getting a wee bit hotter, Hotboy!

  3. Bliss is optional...but why wouldnt you!im coming to the bonnieland next week a little trepidatious...is that a word?first visit as a parentless adult....weird to think neither of them are in the house! Tho of course they are everywhere and will be!!

  4. Funnily enough, someone handed me a copy of the Children of Albion Rovers today. I haven't read it! You're coming to Now Chilly Jockoland just when the weather is returning to the usual. I haven't been anywhere for a couple of years and I've no intentions of going anywhere either. What a killjoy!

  5. I reread it recently...still love the reekie!
