Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Mornings as time goes by.

          About twenty five years ago, I decided to try and get up and meditate for an hour before I went to work. This is probably starting in January with the New Year resolutions and all, and trying to give up the tobacco.

          So I'd get up about six in the morning and sometimes sit beside the radiator because it was cold then. Later on, I started just sitting up when I was wakened by the alarm. So I'd put a duvet round my shoulders and try just to sit up and do some meditating for an hour before going to work.

          Encouraging times for me. About then, I discovered that I could go into a meditative state of some kind when I gazed on the green light at the bottom of the computery thing. The road to freedom! But the best thing was how great I started to feel when I started off for work. Used to feel the wind so much in my sails as I walked up the road to the bus stop.

          Now I do not have a jobbie and so don't have to get up in the morning to do anything, but the first things in the day these days are so, so very nice indeed. You're lying on your back first thing and the duvet is nice and warm over you. Almost as soon as you get consciousness, you get the bliss and you can lie there and just be there and do that. So you are not meditating in the normal sense, and you might move onto your side, etc., etc., but how brilliant it is to waken into this. It's not meditating, I suppose, since you have not tried to do anything, but you know then that though you have to get up, how can getting up beat this?

         I fell into the love of meditating very quickly. I needed it. Most folk don't. All I have to say is that the flatheids do not seem to be happy. Flatheids just don't get the bliss. But why should anyone think that concentrating on anything, particularly mumbo jumbo, should lead to wakening up in the morning to the .....

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